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Alnwick Neighbourhood Team - North East Mayor - Survey

Good afternoon,

I would like to draw your attention to a Public Consultation by Kim McGuinness; the Mayor for the North East The Mayor, in relation to Transport within the North East.

"People are being asked to share their views on the draft vision between Monday 4 November and 26 January 2025. They can do this by completing an online survey or visiting the North East CA website to find out more about how they can get involved over the next 12 weeks.

Having worked collaboratively with colleagues across the region, the Mayor’s Local Transport Plan and an accompanying proposed Delivery Plan includes plans to: 

  • Take buses back into public control and deliver a truly integrated transport network.

  • Improve the safety of women and girls and other vulnerable groups including more Metro gatelines, safer stops and shelters, and an accessibility review by 2027.

  • Expand and improve transport infrastructure – including investment in the shields ferry, Metro and across the bus network - including new stations, as well as maintenance and renewals.

  • Provide free travel for under 18s and deliver ‘tap on tap off’ contactless payments for Metro by 2027 – and region-wide by 2032.

  • Fund active travel infrastructure to encourage safe walking, wheeling and cycling and launch a new region-wide e-bike hire scheme.

  • Boost electric vehicle charging infrastructure – helping more people to make the switch to low-carbon transport.

  • Invest in road and rail – including the re-opening of the Leamside Line, extending the Metro to Washington, upgrading the East Coast Main Line, A1 dualling from Ellingham to Scotland and other junction upgrades. 

  • How to get involved 

    Local people can get involved in the consultation in a number of ways between 4 November 2024 and 26 January 2025. 

  • Find out more about the Mayor’s Local Transport Plan and fill in the survey online at northeast-ca.gov.uk/localtransportplan

  • Write to us at North East Combined Authority, The Lumen, St James' Boulevard, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE4 5BZ  

  • Send us an email haveyoursay@northeast-ca.gov.uk  

  • Call us on 0191 277 7010

  • Attend one of the many region-wide in person consultation events planned. Find out more about drop in events at northeast-ca.gov.uk/localtransportplan

  • If you require any information in an alternative format, please contact the North East Combined Authority on haveyoursay@northeast-ca.gov.uk."

    To ensure those that are hard to reach in the very rural areas are aware of the survey and have an opportunity to take part, if you have received this update and have access to Community or work WhatsApp or Social Media groups, you may wish to share the survey in them to maximise those who can take part and complete the Survey.

    I would like to canvas support from Farm and Estate owners to cascade this survey to their staff and tenants, alongside other community Stakeholders to do the same.


    Peter Johnson 4187
    PCSO Neighbourhood
    Ext: 894187 | M: 07885264136 | W: www.northumbria.police.uk


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    Message Sent By
    Peter Johnson
    (Northumbria Police, Police Community Support Officer (PCSO), Alnwick - Rural (West of Alnwick)

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