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Motorbike ASB

Alnwick Neighbourhood Policing Team receive numerous reports of Motorbike ASB in the areas we cover.  Whether that be in the towns of Alnwick and Amble, the rural locations to the west and the coastal areas to the east.


Recently in Amble there has been a slight increase in bike ASB reports.  Of particular concern is a report regarding someone riding a black coloured Quad bike with a small child passenger being carried on the front.  


Please report any concerns regarding bike ASB and for any information regarding the identity of the rider of the Quad Bike in Amble please reply to this message and/or contact CSO 4089 Darin Fawcett who covers the Amble area.  Darin's email address is   darin.fawcett@northumbria.police.uk


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Message Sent By
Darren Stapleton
(Police, T/Sgt, Alnwick NPT - F6)

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