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NPT Mini Police at Eslington primary School

Officers have attended Eslington Primary School to give a presentation to year 5 and year 6 students who take part in Mini police. Mini police are a great innovative and fun engagement with local Neighbourhood teams. This is a great way to engage with the students and to give prevention through education at an early age. Mini Police is also a way to show that police are there to support the community in lots of different ways and not to be Scared to report anything that is causing harm or distress to a member of the public.

Officers have given a presentation on How to stay safe while in public to students to make them aware of the dangers of speaking to people who they do not know and how they can report if a suspicious person has approached them while in public by telling teacher, parents, and police as this could help stop anyone causing harm to another person or to themselves. 


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Message Sent By
Michael Baker
(Northumbria Police, PCSO, C5)

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