The Police
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Gateshead West NPT Vehicle Uplift



The attached vehicle was spotted by Neighbourhood Officers on there way to a an ASB meeting when they sighted a vehicle with a defective brake light and broken indicator.  Following a compliant stop the driver was found to be a provisional licence holder and not insured.  Following further questioning by officers he admitted to be a user of drugs.  A drug's procedure was carried out, which he failed,  and he was arrested and taken to custody.   The vehicle was uplifted and taken off the road.  


Thankfully other officers attended the meeting which was in relation to the former Valley View Care home where along with the Council have requested that this building is made more secure and adequate security is implemented.  The owner was very helpful and asked that this is carried out as soon as possible.  Hopefully this will see a reduction in ASB in the area. 

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Message Sent By
Martin Jobling
(Police, PCSO, C6 Neighborhood Team)

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