The Police
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police surgery @ Ponteland Leisure Centre

Your local police officers attended Ponteland Leisure centre on the 06/06/24 in order to speak with staff and for the new members of the team to introduce themselves to the local community. 

Along with PC 2108 Parker who has been in the role for some time we welcome PC 3835 Richardson who has moved over from covering the Amble area. 

Also, as a result of recent changes Sgt 792 Robson has taken over as the Sergeant for the Neighbourhood Team covering Ponteland, working out of Morpeth and Insp 7052 Rutherford has become the new Neighbourhood Inspector  

Should you see us out and about please dot hesitate to stop and have a chat and look out for further events in which you can attend and discuss any issues or concerns  

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Message Sent By
Les Robson
(Northumbria Police , Sgt , Neighborhood team )

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