The Police
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Secure Your Valuables With Few Simple Steps

Residents can take extra care to secure their valuables from thieves with a few simple steps:


  • Those with vehicles should ensure they are locked and left secure, with the keys stored safely inside your property and away from any external door. Thieves will often try car door handles to see if any are open and will then move on to the next street

  • Vehicle owners should also remove any valuables from their vehicles when exiting so that they are not left on show. Those vehicles which carry tools should be emptied if possible while being left overnight on a street.

  • Residents should also make sure that all doors to their homes are locked and use technology which deters potential thieves such as external lighting, CCTV cameras and doorbells which are able to record where possible.

  • Cycles should also be stored within properties rather than gardens.

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    Message Sent By
    Aisha Syeda
    (Northumbria Police, Community Engagement Officer, Newcastle and Gateshead )

    Neighbourhood Alert Cyber Essentials