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Update: What we've been up to

The Bedlington Neighbourhood Policing Team (NPT) has been busy, amongst other things, with the following lately;

Speedwatch Patrols

We've been conducting SpeedWatch patrols in areas you've identified to us as where vehicles travelling at speed have caused you concern. We've recently conducted SpeedWatch patrols on Hartford Road, Choppington Road and Front Street in Bedlington as well as on Morpeth Road and Stakeford Lane in Guide Post. Residents have expressed a wish for us to conduct more SpeedWatch patrols, so expect to see officers from the team more regularly out and about on roads in your area.

Foot Patrols

In related news, we have been conducting more foot patrols of Ridge Terrace in Bedlington at school pick up/drop off times in response to reports of inconsiderate parking either blocking the pavement, causing an obstruction to the road impeding the flow of traffic or causing a hazard to crossing pedestrians. We have spoken to several drivers and our advice on the whole appears to be being followed. However, persistent offenders of causing an obstruction, parking on double yellow lines, on yellow zig-zag markings or in marked bus stops, as well as too close to the corners of junctions impeding the view of pedestrians and drivers, may be liable for prosecution. We would urge parents and guardians picking up or dropping off school children to be more courteous and aware of their parking on Ridge Terrace and to consider using the large Town Centre Car Parks and walking the short distance along Ridge Terrace to alleviate the parking situation around the schools. 

Community Engagement

We've been busy engaging with community groups lately. On Thursday, we were invited to the Guide Post Scouts to discuss Bullying and Harassment, including the impacts such behaviour has and how to appropriately deal with such concerns. We've also been holding one of our 'Pop up Police Station' events at the Stakeford & Bomarsund Social Welfare Centre in Stakeford where we had several members of the community attend and discuss with us their concerns.

PCSO McCallum and PC Collins were busy at Meadowdale Primary School, Bedlington on Friday as part of the Careers Fair with students, discussing the wide and varied career and volunteering opportunities within Northumbria Police.

Finally, yesterday PCSO McCallum led a talk at Bedlington Station Primary School, informing pupils on the role of the police, how we operate and a demonstration of the equipment we officers have at our disposal.


If you wish for us to participate in any community event or lead an input concerning an issue you feel would be relevant, please don't hesitate to contact the team.


Kind regards,










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Message Sent By
Phil Oliver
(Police, PC, Bedlington Neighbourhood Policing Team (NPT))

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