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crime prevention advice and Amble residents update

There has been a reported increase in thefts from Shed and attempt burglaries to houses overnight recently in the Amble area. 

We are looking into these offences and working with partners in order to identify and deal with the offenders.  We will also be looking to patrol identified hotspot areas and will be using appropriate  police powers such as stop and search etc where needed. 

However, in general these types of offences are opportunistic in nature with offenders looking for unlocked doors or windows in order to gain entry.  Please make sure that premises are secure at all times and that you don’t leave keys that are easy to find outside. Generally, a locked door can deter many offences.

I would also recommend that given the world of social media,  don’t post that you will be going on holiday, going away for a few days or out for the night.  Social media can provide a wealth of intelligence for those looking to offend as often we have found that privacy setting have not been correctly applied to people’s accounts.

There are a number of ways that you can further enhance the security of your property and I have attached a few leaflets to provide guidance on this.

As always, if you should hear movement in your neighbour’s property and you know they are away or witness anyone acting suspiciously report it via 999 if you believe that a crime Is in progress or via either 101 or online through the Northumbria Police website if not.


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Message Sent By
Les Robson
(Northumbria Police , Sgt , Neighborhood team )

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