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Vehicle ASB in Amble

Neighbourhood officers and partners recently attended a Community Drop-in session at Amble Library on 14/02/2024.


This was a very well attended event and as a result of discussions it was noted that many residents raised concerns about continued vehicular anti-social behaviour in and around the Amble area.


We were already aware of these issues and past messages sent by PC Richardson have shown that we have continued to deal with these issues prior to this event.


However, given that further concerns were raised officers have been deployed to conduct pro-active patrols in the area. This resulted in several vehicle checks, 3 x vehicle seizures and further intelligence gathering which will further allow us to target these vehicles and individuals using them.


We will continue to deal with these issues and enforcement action will be taken where needed that could lead to fines, points on licences and seizure of vehicles.


As a result, I would urge owners of vehicles visiting or living in Amble to firstly think about the manner of their driving and then to respect other residents and road users whilst using their vehicles in the area. 


I would also ask that any parents speak with their Son or Daughters who may use their vehicles, have recently passed their test and/or are driving in Amble about the above message and the consequences of being involved in Anti-social use of vehicles  


PC 8041 Gurr 


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Message Sent By
Les Robson
(Northumbria Police , Sgt , Neighborhood team )

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