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Priorities Update

Good Morning,


This year I have set my Neighbourhood priorities based on our incidents and crimes, using information and intelligence and listening to your concerns through community feedback. The priorities are:

  • Retail and business crime
  • Anti-social behaviour, including motorcycle disorder
  • Drugs and drugs supply

    So far this year we have:

  • Targeted a number of prolific shoplifters who have been arrested and are now currently serving custodial sentences. These updates are regularly sent out by my teams. We will continue to work with our retailers and take a problem solving approach to look at how we can prevent offenders from continuing with their behaviours, such as the use of civil orders.
  • Motorcycle disorder significantly increased last year so we have been running operations as part of the forcewide initiative Operation Capio. We have had a number of days of action already using various tactics including our new drones. These will continue throughout the year.
  • We will seize vehicles and motorcycles which have been identified as causing anti-social behaviour and we always consider other options such as civil orders and tenancy enforcement to ensure appropriate action is taken. Over this weekend we have seized 2 motorcycles and we will continue to send out these updates as well. I have attached a document for your information regarding motorcycle disorder and how you can help us.
  • It is important to keep our streets safe and target those offenders who supply drugs in the area as this has a detrimental effect on the quality of life of our local residents. We have dismantled 2 large cannabis farms already this year and persons have been charged and remanded in prison in relation to these. It is important to understand the wider issues regarding cannabis farms as people are often criminally exploited, so we need to make sure we protect these victims too.
  • My Neighbourhood officers are often carrying out plain clothes patrols in the hotspot areas. Earlier this week, officers located a car which was used by criminals where a number of weapons were found in the vehicle including a machete and ammonia. A male has been arrested and is currently on bail in relation to this. 

    I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your support as we rely on community information and intelligence to help target our offenders and more importantly keep everyone safe and protect the most vulnerable. It is important that I know your concerns and what is going on in your areas so I can give an appropriate and effective response. My teams and I will continue to keep you updated with what we are doing and share our successes as it is important that you see that we are listening to your concerns and we are taking action.


    Anyone who wishes to report a crime or share any concerns can contact officers by calling 101. You can also report online at the "Tell Us Something" page of the Northumbria Police website. I understand that many people want to remain anonymous so please be assured that you can make anonymous reports too. 


    You can also report information anonymously via the independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.


    Best Regards,


    Wayne and the NPT Teams



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    Message Sent By
    Wayne Daniels
    (Northumbria Police, Neighbourhood Inspector, Ashington and Bedlington)

    Neighbourhood Alert Cyber Essentials